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曾婷,博士,硕士生导师。2017年毕业于德国波茨坦大学(Universityof Potsdam),获理学博士学位。2018年7月起,于tyc1286太阳成集团任教。主要研究方向为纳米材料在电化学能量转换和储存中的应用、燃料电池、电催化、电化学传感等。相关研究工作发表在Journalof the American Chemical Society、Small、ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces、Biosensors andBioelectronics、Carbon、Nanoscale等国际权威期刊上。目前,作为项目负责人,主持湖北省自然科学基金青年基金1项,太阳成集团的官方网站科学研究基金1项。欢迎具有化学化工和材料背景的研究生、本科生加入。





[1] Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Z. Chen, Y. Zhang,T. Zeng*,Q. Wan, N. Yang*, Trimetallic layered double hydroxides with a hierarchicalheterostructure for high-performance supercapacitors,J. Energy Storage2023,61, 106700.

[2] S. Liu,T. Zeng*, Y. Zhang, Q. Wan, N. Yang*,Coupling W18O49/Ti3C2TxMXenepseudocapacitive electrodes with redox electrolytes to construct high-performanceasymmetric supercapacitors,Small2022,18, 2204829.

[3] W. Yan, Y. Zhang,T. Zeng*, Y. Zhang, Q. Wan,N. Yang, A high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor using compositeelectrodes of layered double hydroxides and holey reduced graphene oxide,J.Energy Storage2022,52, 104899.

[4] Y. Zhang,T. Zeng*, W. Yan, D. Huang, Y.Zhang, Q. Wan, N. Yang*, A high-performance flexible supercapacitor using dualalkaline redox electrolytes,Carbon2022,188, 315.

[5] Q. Zhou, Y. Zhang,T. Zeng*, Q. Wan, N. Yang*,Morphology-dependent sensing performance of CuO nanomaterials,Anal.Chim. Acta2021,1171, 338663.

[6] Y. Zhang,T. Zeng*, D. Huang, W. Yan, Y.Zhang, Q. Wan, N. Yang*, High-energy-density supercapacitors from dual pseudocapacitivenanoelectrodes,ACS Appl. Energy Mater.2020,3, 10685.

[7] X. Chen, H. Li,T. Zeng*, Y. Zhang, Q. Wan*,Y. Li, N. Yang*, Three-dimensional catalyst systems from expanded graphite andmetal nanoparticles for electrocatalytic oxidation of liquid fuels,Nanoscale2019,11, 7952.

[8] T. Zeng, S. Leimkühler, U. Wollenberger*, V.Fourmond*, Transient catalytic voltammetry of sulfite oxidase reveals rate limitingconformational changes,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139,11559.

[9] T. Zeng,S. Leimkühler, J. Koetz, U.Wollenberger*, Effective electrochemistry of human sulfite oxidase iImmobilizedon quantum-dots-modified indium tin oxide electrode,ACS Appl. Mater.Interfaces.2015,7, 21487.

[10]T. Zeng, D. Pankratov, M. Falk, S. Leimkühler, S.Shleev, U. Wollenberger*, Miniature direct electron transfer basedsulphite/oxygen enzymatic fuel cells,Biosens. Bioelectron.2015,66, 39.