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(通讯员黎俊波 )  应我校国际交流与合作处、科技处、研究生院、tyc1286太阳成集团邀请,新加坡南洋理工大学张其春教授近日访问我校并在tyc1286太阳成集团一实验楼环境与化学国家级教学示范中心1101报告厅做了题为“Synthesis, characterization and applications of larger azaacenes”的学术报告。报告由tyc1286太阳成集团黎俊波教授主持,来自化环院、化药院等相关专业的教师和研究生参加了本次学术报告会。 





Dr. Qichun Zhang obtained his B.S. atNanjing University in China in 1992, MS in physical organic chemistry (organicsolid lab) at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1998, MSin organic Chemistry at University of California, Los Angeles (USA), andcompleted his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at University of CaliforniaRiverside in 2007. Then, he joined Prof. Kanatzidis’ group at NorthwesternUniversity as a Postdoctoral Fellow (Oct. 2007 –Dec. 2008). Since Jan. 2009, hejoined School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity (NTU, Singapore) as an Assistant Professor. On Mar 1st, 2014, he haspromoted to Associate Professor with tenure and on Dec 1st, 2014, he became anadjunct Associate Professor at Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry,School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University.Besides these, he also has three-year working experience in research instituteof Nanjing Chemical Industry Co. (Aug. 1992 – Aug. 1995) and two-year’sresearch experience in ICCAS (Aug. 1998 – Jun 2000). He received TCT fellowshipin 2013 and lectureship from National Taiwan University in 2014. Currently, he isan associate editor of J. Solid State Chemistry, the Advisory board member ofJournal of Materials Chemistry C, the International Advisory Board member ofChemistry – An Asian Journal, the Advisory board member of Materials ChemistryFrontiers, and the Advisory board member of Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers.Also, he is Guest Editor of Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (2016-2017), GuestEditor of Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2017-2018), and Guest Editor ofInorganic Chemistry Frontiers (2017-2018). Currently, he is a fellow of theRoyal Society of Chemistry. He has published > 280 papers and 4 patents(H-index: 58).